Since 2005 The Jammer Trust has held a yearly get together in West Yellowstone to celebrate a very unique piece of Yellowstone history - 1920's and 1930's Yellowstone Buses. These bright yellow buses once transported crowds of summer visitors through Yellowstone National Park. Many are now restored and were on full display at the recent stop for the Jammer holiday getaway.
Each bus has its own story and number. Their owners are very proud to own a piece of true Americana and are eager to tell the story of their model. Living in West Yellowstone, we are fortunate to have such great events take place in our town and encourage visitors to take part in learning about this era of Yellowstone.
Learn more about these buses and their history in Yellowstone National Park by visiting the West Yellowstone News. There are always many great things happening to inform you on the history around West Yellowstone. Let us know at Faithful Street Inn what you are interested in seeing on your trip to West Yellowstone, Montana and we can set you up with the perfect Western vacation!